👋🏽 Hello, I am

Namhla Khoza

Aspiring Software Engineer based in South Africa

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Check out some of my featured projects below

Books Project

This project was designed to showcase the design of a bookstore site, this was one of the very first HTML and CSS project I worked on. There is a description defining the origins of books written in series ,as this is a personal passion, that is sourced from a linked WiKi article. Clicking the 'Get Yours Now' button enables the user to fill out a short form which finds out the user's preferred genre and their email in order to send them a link for ordering

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Weather App

This project was designed to be a weather search engine and it was so exciting to build! The user can enter a city into the search bar and get the current weather as well as the 6 day forecast. The humidity and wind will also be shown. This project uses live data and is linked to a weather API. The weather icons will also change depending on the temperature shown.

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General Serialization

This project was designed to be a general serialization with a generic class. You can use it to complete the serialization and deserialization process.

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